![]() | WHAT ARE THE BEST AND WORST POINTS OF YOUR JOB? The people employing me should understand my tastes, and that very rarely happens. People just think: "Oh, shes got a lot of good credits, shed be fine for that film". Im actually better at some films than I am at others. You can have a negative power, where you can say to agents: "No, theyre not right, I am not bringing in that actor". What I say, in that situation, if I dont think an actor is right for the film is "I dont think this guy is right, a lot of people like him, but he doesnt appeal to me" because its all subjective. You have to be fair, and open minded, and its really hard, because the problem is there are thousands and thousands of actors and the drama schools push out more and more and more actors. If you speak to any casting director, and theyre honest, theyll say the primary emotion you feel is guilt, because you cannot know all of them. It is an absolute impossibility. They say the top agents have the hold on the top talent. In a sense they do, but there are always the emerging actors who havent got to the top agents yet. You have to be aware of those. Its a full time job to keep up with all that. There is this thing where you read a part for "fat ugly bloke" and you think "Oh, theres that bloke that I saw do fat ugly bloke" and you can repeat easily, but what you should do is find that guy, but find other ones as well. Sometimes there is an inverted snobbery that the director doesnt want him because other directors have used him and thats silly if hes the best person. But it shouldnt be just because he always plays those parts. It should be who is the best person. You are not to be lazy. As for the title Casting Director, thats rubbish. I dont know what I direct. I direct in here, in my little office with my video camera and I get actors to do a scene, but the director directs the movie. I hate the term Casting Agent. I loathe that. An agent represents actors, guides their career, gets them work and takes ten percent of their salary. I get paid via a production company to sign the best actors. What am I an agent for? People constantly nowadays call you a Casting Agent, and I hate that even more than Casting Director. I would prefer simply: Casting Person or Casting. Unisex Casting Person. If youre a writer or a director, or youre involved creatively in film, it usually takes a very long time for your work to come to fruition. In here you see somebody that you think, "Oh, they would be great for that role", and they come in to meet the director and the director goes "Oh, thats great, great" and they get the job. Thats fantastic, because youve done something for the actor that is to do with their career. Its a terrifically fulfilling thing when that happens. The worst thing is having to deal with all the bullshit that you get from agents and everybody, and the unbelievable boring, stupid amount of gossip told to you as fact. That drives me insane. CASTING SEEMS TO BE A VERY FEMALE ORIENTED OCCUPATION. I know. You look in Contacts and its ridiculous. It isnt the case in America, so much. I dont know why it is over here. I think its because women a better at dealing with emotion in many different forms, and are very articulate about emotion to actors. Women are less confrontational for directors and so better at guiding them. Theyre not competitive in the same way as men, and casting should be uncompetitive and lacking in ego and I dont know if I could actually put my hand on my heart and say thats true of a lot of casting directors. You have to become very simpatico with the director and I think that women are able to do that in a very non-threatening, guiding gentler way. WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO PEOPLE LOOKING TO GET INTO CASTING? Watch lots and lots of films, European, American and English films, and go to the theatre. I dont mean West End Theatre, I mean go to fringe theatre, small theatre all that sort of thing. So when they come to me, or another casting director and say "I would love to work in casting" they have a knowledge to start from. The problem with casting is that anybody can do it, but to do it really well is very, very difficult. Anybody can have the knowledge, but its how you apply that knowledge. Some people can work for years and not have it, and its hard to tell them they havent got it. FILMOGRAPHY As Casting Director As 'Casting' | |||
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