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netribution > features > interview with manoj rajdutt > page two
What is the state of that area of the industry now?
As I stated earlier, there is not much work of any significance being done in that area but there are a few producers working in the industry for a cause, for the betterment of society and with a positive, healthy attitude.
What was the first area you targeted as filmmakers?
e started out with films that concern women's empowerment and adult education.What projects have you completed since then?
1) Basumati Ki Chitthi (A letter from Basumati) - A full-length telefilm on women's empowerment.
2) Naya Savera (Sunrise) - A telefilm on women's empowerment through Panchayati Raj.
3) Bhor Ke Sipahi (Warriors of the Dawn) - A series of 6-episodes based on the works of the great writer Munshi Premchand.
4) Jagriti (Revolution) A series of 3 documentary films on liquor prohibition, women's empowerment and the state of women and children's health in Haryana, India.
5) Hello India - 52-episode current affairs series dealing with issues like prostitution, the slums, the disabled, schooling, diverse cultural scenarios, AIDS and sex education etc.
6) Dastak (The Knock) - Pilot of a 26-episode socio-legal investigation series. The series is an investigative approach towards the issues of the 'flesh trade', drug trafficking, the smuggling of endangered species, 'notch girls' and illegal immigration etc.Tell us about the Child Labour project, does it have a working title?
Its called, The Colours of Absence. Although it's a short silent film, it touches one's heart from the deepest depths. This is the story of a shoeshine boy, Raju nearly eight years old. Slogging from morning until late at night, Raju's life is bereft of any joy, fun or even colour. even from his own clothes, he finds himself surrounded by shades of indifference - the grays, browns and the in betweens. Like any child Raju is attracted towards the bright and vibrant colours he comes across at times although he realises all too well that these belong to another world. One day however, a kite flying high above him catches his eye, it bears the colours of his dreams. The endeavour of the film would be to find a ray of hope for such seemingly hopeless cases of children's lives wasted on the streets and in the nookshells over our metros in the big cities. The film would be an emotive statement of these street children's lives, hopes, sorrows, woes, attitudes and lifestyles.At first hand, how bad is the child labour situation in Delhi?
Surveys of street children in some major cities indicate that a large number of street children suffer destitution, neglect, abuse and exploitation. Sadly there are various reasons why urban services do not reach them in any effective or integrated manner. There is widespread use of drugs amongst these children, who are not only victims of the deadly habits but, more often that not, also become pawns in the hands of drug peddlers and petty criminals. They, thus become employed in the drug supply chain, falling prey to the habit themselves sooner or later. Exposure to poverty and related social ills of life at an early age, street children have also shown a marked tendency to become innocent carriers of HIV.What are you looking for in an international co-production partner?
We are basically looking for organisations/ people working for the benefit of street children who can help us financially, as these awareness projects are not money spinners there are very few who will fund such films.Although we have started from scratch, I'm hopeful that Infinity & Beyond Productions will be one of the biggest production houses working towards a noble cause in India within the next few years.Infinity & Beyond Productions can be contacted by mail:
Mayur Vihar-2,
Delhi - 110091
By Email: ib6rajdutt@hotmail.comOr by telephone: (0091) 11 2478213 / 11 2731440


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