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industry buzz by holly martin | from Vienna | contact:

July 6th, 2001

The Screen Actors Guild chief executive John F Cooke has resigned after just 10 days in office, and straight after the SAG brokered peace with the Hollywood film studios.

Cooke shocked all by stating that nine members of 107 strong board had jeopardised his "clear authority to act on all the issues that are before the SAG management and organisation.''

In a letter written on 26 June, the nine board members had objected to Cooke's appointment and went on to comment that the SAG board had been "hasty" in amending the body's constitution so that Cooke could become both chief executive and national executive director at once.

Variety magazine interviewed several of those nine members who admitted that they were "shocked'' at Cooke's departure and insisted that despite their objection the letter said they fully supported his appointment as chief exec.

The SAG has been without a national executive director since Ken Orsatti retired in January and the SAG will now have to identify for another candidate from six anonymous finalists,

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