The director claims ' I'm not interested in any of the British ones and I
don't think enough credits given to American films these days, I think they're very imaginative. I mean "The Thirteenth Floor" I thought was a wonderful film. I saw it on Sky. I loved it. I've seen it several times and it's really quite a deep film. We all loved, at least I presume we loved the "Matrix" and we all want to see the "Matrix 2" and there is this film "Very Bad Things" which I love.' Russell claims that the UK 'seems to just produce one or two gems and then tons of mediocrity' picking out scribe Simon Beaufoy's Full Monty follow-up Among Giants 'I mean I saw one the other day of people painting electric pylons
Obviously it was so bad that they were desperate. Do you know what they did? They did long shots of them painting these pylons and over it they put a male voice chorus as though these guys from Newcastle would be singing "Nobody has known the trouble I've seen". You know? All this crap. And it was watching paint dry. That was financed all very much by the British film industry.' |