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industry buzz by holly martin | from Vienna | contact:

Hacks Hype up Harry the Hit
The majority of British rags led with the preme of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone last Monday.
The Leicester Sq bash is the prelim to what many believe will be UK box office history to reflect the gargantuan efforts of Monster Inc across the Pond.

The Sorcery flick opens in the UK next Friday but objectivity on its merits and downfalls will be tough to find as members of the nation's press were invited with their kids, and they may as well have let them write the reviews.

The verdict was unanimous - everyone loves Harry. Even the cantankerous old mare that is the Standard's film columnist gave it the thumbs up but censure came from the remarkably frank and articulate Alex Roberts, 12, who watched the film for The Guardian. Whilst acceding that it would "certainly be one of his favourite films", Alex added "the problem was that they kept too close to the book. The director has thrown in a little bit of everything which meant some of the atmosphere of the book was lost because important scenes were too short."

As reported last week, advance sales for the movie have broken all previous records for all the major cinechains and there is a 1000 print whiff floating around too. Bear in mind that Toy Story 2 opened on 750 odd.

Of course, with Lord of the Rings looking all powerful the next corner and Monsters Inc due to crack skulls in February, it might be time to wheel out Norris McWhirter.

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