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industry buzz by holly martin | from Vienna | contact:

Sundance Bloody Sunday
Paul Greengrass' Bloody Sunday and Marc Munden's Miranda have been selected for the World Cinema section of the 2002 Sundance Film Festival to be held at Park City, Utah in January.

These two films, both by feature debutantes, were included in the first round of production investment from the Film Council's New Cinema Fund and Premiere Fund.

Bloody Sunday retells the events of the afternoon of Sunday 30 January 1972 when 13 unarmed were shot dead by British Paras during a civil rights march in Derry.

Paul Greengrass directs James Nesbitt and Tim Pigott-Smith in the film produced by Mark Redhead and executive produced by Pippa Cross.

Miranda is a romcom thriller starring Christina Ricci, John Hurt, John Simm and Kyle MacLachlan. The film is produced by first-time producer Laurence Bowen's Feelgood Films and is written by first-time screenwriter Rob Young.

Full Sundance line up

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