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industry buzz by holly martin | from Vienna | contact:

Ritchie Auctions Extra Love, Sex, Drugs and Money
Guy Ritchie is auctioning off roles for his latest flick, Love, Sex, Drugs and Money, which also stars his wife Madonna.
A take on Lina Wertmüller's 1974 film Swept Away, the production is close to wrapping after a 9 week shoot in Sardinia and Malta.

The money received from the extras auction will go to the British Youth charity, the highest bidder will also get to spend a day on set credit, a credit, and an invitation to the premiere.

Ritchie also has a writing credit Love, Sex, Drugs and Money, which stars Madonna, Adriano Giannini, Jennifer Aniston and Jeanne Tripplehorn.

Giancarlo Giannini was the sad-eyed tragicomic star of many of Wertmüller's films and was her partner in Liberty Films.

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