owner of Tyne Tees Television and quite soon probably
Border TV too, is going European.
The Manchester-based maker of Coronation Street
is in talks with potential partners about alliances.
Granada wants to establish local production companies
and seek joint ventures with broadcasters on the
Chief Executive Steve Morrison told a London media
conference the group had already edged in to Germany
and later revealed the group was talking to "possible
partners" in France, Italy and Spain.
Granada already has production companies in Australia,
where it first aired a version of its UK hit show
Popstars, and China, where it produces a version
of Coronation Street called John Luck Street.
Mr Morrison wants to establish similar programme-making
arrangements in Europe. He added: "We believe Granada
could act as a bridge between Europe and the English-speaking
world markets."
Granadas alliances in Europe could take similar
form to its relationship with Irelands TV3
in which it holds a 45% stake.
TV3 has a 7-year contract to show some of Granadas
top shows, as well as ties to its advertising sales
in London. TV3s peak time audience has grown
by 71% and its London advertising by 51%.
Granada bought up Tyne Tees TV almost four years
ago and has an option to buy Border TV from its
new owners Capital Radio in the next three years.
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