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by james macgregor | 16th March, 2001 | contact:

Yorkshire filmmaking heralded by Government minister

Films Minister Janet Anderson has announced that  "Film making in the regions is alive and kicking, especially in Yorkshire". Speaking at the launch of the Bradford Film Festival she reaffirmed the Government's commitment to developing the British film industry, particularly in the regions.

The Minister continued, "The Bradford Film Festival gives regional film a voice and goes a long way to raise the profile of film in the regions. I am particularly delighted that it is being organised by the National Museum of Photography, Film and Television, which is a natural home for film buffs. Ensuring that all regions have the opportunity to grow and share in our growing film industry is essential if we are to realise a sustainable film industry in this country".

The Film Council aims to commit up to £6 million a year for 3 years from April 2001, including £3 million of new resources, to a new Regional Investment Fund.

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