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by james macgregor | 16th March, 2001 | contact:

North Sea Cock and Bull Summer Of NPF

The Northern Production Fund is lining up for a Cock and Bull summer in a unique three-way, North Sea collaboration.

Under the umbrella of the North Sea Project, a European co-production scheme between NPF, Film i Vast (Swedish Film Agency) and Mediahuset Aarhus (Danish Media Centre) Northern Production Fund has chosen three stories for development. The co-production partners will also develop three stories each, all written to a single theme of cock and bull stories.

The stories chosen by NPF are:

Danny And His Amazing Teeth by Rachel Matthews

(After visiting the dentist Danny’s braces begin to pick up radio signals)

Beyond by Julia Darling

(A compulsive lying mother plots to do away with her husband)

The Catch by Tina Gharavi

(A fisherman becomes pregnant whilst out at sea on a trawler)

These three are being developed with NPF script editor Gorel Hallstrom. One script from each country will be chosen by the film agencies for production this summer.

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