Night Shopping, the Scottish film that premiered
at the Berlin Film Festival had hardened hacks applauding
at the end of the press screening and went on to
gain the top award from the International Confederation
of Art Cinemas as their outstanding film of the
The film encompasses a clutch of firsts; first film
from Ideal World Films, first feature from writer
Jack Lothian and first full length film from director
Saul Metzstein.
The £1.5m debut film was made with support from
Scottish Screen, the Glasgow Film Office, Film Four
and Senator Films of Germany.
Cast includes Luke De Woolfson, James Lance, Kate
Ashfield, Enzo Cilente and Heike Makatsch, a big
star in Germany.
Late night shopping filmed in Glasgow and Saltcoats
last summer. It is set mostly during the hours of
darkness and focuses on four friends trapped in
the dead end of repetitive twilight zone shift work,
who find some comfort in hanging out together in
an all-night café.
The film has been sold to Spain and Germany and
it is expected to open in the UK later this year.
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