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by james macgregor | 23rd March, 2001 | contact:

Shaw Had a Ball with Potter

Fiona Shaw, who plays Harry Potter’s nasty aunt Petunia, says she "Had a ball doing Harry Potter," praising director Christopher Columbus, whose values she says, seem to be "bang on with the attention to emotional detail very much in place. This is what will make the film, not the hype or the special effects," she says.

Shaw has avoided publicity surrounding the film as much as possible, but she confirms that in the starring role, Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter is "Wonderful" and she confirms that all the young stars of the film were coping well.

Despite Shaw’s enthusiasm for film, she always wants to get back on the boards. "I'm always relieved when I'm in a film. You're asked to be as good as you can be on a day, and they'll only do 10, 20, 30 takes.

"But in a play, you have to try and reach that best of 30 takes every night.

"The rewards are that you own it. I prefer, if I have the health, the self-definition of doing a play."

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