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by james macgregor | 30th March, 2001 | contact:

Scottish Screen Consults Over Funding Changes

Scottish Screen’s Board and Film Production Panel are proposing changing the approach to the funding of film in Scotland.
Industry representatives are invited to a meeting next week at which proposals will be outlined.

This industry consultation method of approach to change is a good indicator of how times are changing at official levels within Scotland’s screen industry. Consultation allows all the parties to get a perspective on change, the why’s, the wherefore’s and the consequences for all concerned.

Through fresh approaches like this, we see how far things are changing already. The time is not long gone when there was little official funding of film in Scotland or anywhere. Flexibility and adaptability were unknown then, but frustration, and stagnation were.

Scottish Screen, accountable to Scotland’s Parliament for the management of Scotland’s screen industry, has proved itself to be well aware, not only of the need for change, but crucially, of how change needs to be managed. This industry-wide consultation is proof of a partnership approach to the industry and is to be welcomed.

The meeting, at Scottish Screen’s Glasgow offices, is scheduled to last one hour and James Lee, Chair of Scottish Screen and Jim Faulds, Chair of the Lottery Panel, will be present.

Space is limited to one representative per company and to ensure admission, must be booked in advance through Judy Anderson
Tel 0141 302 1743

Scottish Screen Development Deadlines

The list of deadline dates from Scottish Screen for this year is….

Thursday 4th January 2001 Monday 12th March 2001

Monday 12th March 2001 Monday 18th June 2001

Monday 11th June 2001 mid / end August 2001

Monday 3rd September 2001 mid November 2001

Friday 11th January 2002 mid March 2002

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