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by james macgregor | 30th March, 2001 | contact:

Close & True a Hit for Coastal

Viewing figures for the legal practice TV series Close And True kept it in the top ten TV drama listings (w/e Dec 17) have proved the series is hit with the discriminating British audience.

The series stars Robson Green as John Close, a well meaning but inexperienced solicitor who takes over a run-down Newcastle legal practice. It opened with a 90-minute film and was followed by 5X1 hour-long episodes in December.

The series united Robson with one of the North East’s most celebrated actors, James Bolam. James plays Graham True, the founding partner of the law practice John takes over, who now happily resides in a mental hospital and becomes an unlikely mentor for John Close.
One episode features Jamie Bell, young star of Billy Elliot, pictured in the photo, courtesy of Meridian Broadcasting.

The series was created by Tony Etchells and Rebecca Keane and written by Tony Etchells and Andrea Earl. It marks the third joint venture for ITV between United Productions and Robson’s own production company Coastal Productions, following the success of Touching Evil and forthcoming drama Hereafter starring Dervla Kirwan and Stephen Tompkinson

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