Lanarkshire Council Education Resources have established
a film and video facility for young people in an 'out
of school' context. The programme started in August 2000
and will run until August 2003 and involves 14 schools.
The New Opportunities Fund are the main funders with partners
from all aspects of the screen industries.
Pupils, drawn from a wide range of schools in the area
plus two special education schools, make a series of 'video
shorts' by working on a 10 week programme of 'after of
school' video workshops (15:30 - 17:30) which culminate
in a 4-day 'holiday film school' held at two centres,
Earnock High School and John Ogilvie High School.
Over the course of the year, 3 productions will be made
by the changing groups of pupils and the resulting videos
will be screened at a 'Youth Film Festival' staged at
the Glasgow Film Theatre, probably in August of each year
to celebrate the pupil's success and stimulate interest
in developing the project on a wider context.
South Lanarkshire Education Resources see film, video
and interactive media technology as a learning medium
that young people identify with and have a keen interest
in. It is an ideal medium to help those pupils who otherwise
find it difficult to involve themselves in the learning
process or those pupils who display a talent and commitment
in this area.
This week...
o Scottish Screen in Shetland Film Controversy >>>
o Scotlands Mansions put on the Movie
Map >>>
o Edinburgh Conservatives decry refugee
video diary project >>>
o Who Dressed Harry Potter?
>>> archive >>>