Rochester, a graduate of Edinburgh College of Art, has
won the prestigious Metro Digital Audience Award, the
final prize to be decided at this year's Scottish Students
on Screen event held recently at Dundee Contemporary Arts.
Matt won with his short animation film Control
voted most popular film of the festival. The Metro Digital
Audience Award gave students and industry practitioners
the chance to use the internet to view and vote for their
favourite film from all the short-listed entries to Scottish
Students on Screen, a festival which features the very
best work produced by students at colleges and universities
all over Scotland. The films were available for watching
on the web for two weeks before and after the event, giving
people to get the best possible chance to assess the entries
and vote for their favourite.
The webcast was developed and designed specially for Scottish
Students on Screen by Metro Digital, the internet broadcasting
arm of Metro Broadcasting group. Attending the awards
ceremony, Manager of Metro Digital Stevie Greer said:
'We are delighted to be involved with Scottish Students
on Screen again this year. We discussed with Scottish
Screen what we could do which would help to publicise
the event via the internet, as well as adding an interesting
new dimension to the whole process and this web- based
voting system was the result. The site recorded an impressive
amount of visitor traffic over the four weeks and Matt
can be justifiably proud that his film Control
came through as the clear favourite with the web voters.
We congratulate him and wish him well in his career.'
Alison Maxwell, Head of Education and Training at Scottish
Screen is delighted with the response to the webcast.
'This use of the internet gave an even wider audience
the chance to see the variety and quality of work being
produced by students at our universities and colleges
in Scotland, and there is no doubt many thousands of them
took advantage of the chance to watch and vote for their
favourite film. Matt Rochester is a very worthy winner
and he must be very pleased to have received this accolade
from such a wide public. Scottish Students on Screen is
obviously a event which is going to grow and develop with
every year and we look forward to even more high quality
entries next year.'
Matt Rochester received the Metro Digital Audience Award
at a special ceremony at Scottish Screen's Glasgow headquarters
today. Although the voting is now closed for all the short-listed
films they are still available to view along with an hour-
long programme recorded on the two days of the Scottish
Students on Screen event. You can visit the site on :
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