meets North" is this year's theme for Documentary
In Europe, the international workshop on European
documentary production to be held in Bardonecchia
(Torino) in Italy from 4-7th July.
Programme includes screenings and discussions
a selection of recent productions from northern
Europe, a selection of recent productions from
southern Europe and Italian productions presented
at the pitching forum during previous editions
of Documentary in Europe.
editors from northern and southern European
countries will attend.
programme also includes Hyperdocs on documentaries
and new media and a pitching forum, with presentation
of new projects by filmmakers and producers
from northern and southern Europe.
This week...
o Scottish Screen in Shetland Film Controversy >>>
o Scotland’s Mansions put on the Movie
Map >>>
o Edinburgh Conservatives decry refugee
video diary project >>>
o Who Dressed Harry Potter?
>>> archive >>>