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by james macgregor | May 25th, 2001 | contact:

Punk Jobson Skids Into Movies

Richard Jobson, once lead singer of Scot-punk group the Skids is to direct his first movie, with a top Hong Kong film maker aboard as producer.

From his band days Jobson moved into writing, acting and modelling, and a successful career as a TV presenter.

His directorial debut is to be based his own semi- autobiographical novel about alcoholism. Sixteen Years Of Alcohol begins shooting in Edinburgh in September. Highly acclaimed Hong Kong director Wong Kar-Wai will produce.

Personal Movie

' I'm very excited and very nervous. It's a very personal film. I want it to be quite a romantic story but it has quite a dark edge,' said Jobson.

The plan for the film arose during Kar-Wai's visit to the Edinburgh Film Festival last year to promote his film In The Mood For Love. 'It was his idea,' said Jobson. 'We were both in Edinburgh for the festival and he told me he loved the Old Town area. 'Wouldn't it be great to make a film there?' he said.'

However, Jobson admitted he was initially unsure about tackling the screenplay. 'He wanted me to do it and I wasn't so keen -- but it has really worked out,' he said.

Jobson finished the adaptation of his 1987 novel earlier this year. 'It's the story of a young man trying to deal with how the past has affected him,' he explained.

'Everywhere he goes it seems to shadow him. He's trying to move on and find love in his life. But he kind of turns away from it every time he gets close.'

It is not yet clear who will play the lead roles, although Jobson said he had made approaches to several British actors.

Impressive Record

However, Kar-Wai's input in the film is certain to ensure it makes an impact on the movie world. Described as one of the most innovative film directors of modern times, he has an impressive track record.

His notable productions include Chungking Express, and in 1997 he won the Best Director award at the 1997 Cannes Film Festival for Happy Together. In The Mood For Love also won a string of awards and nominations. His latest film 2046, is due for release this year.

Meanwhile, Kar-Wai is currently discussing possible locations in the Old Town with Edinburgh City Council. Jobson added: 'Kar-Wai is one of my heroes and for him to have encouraged me to do it is like a dream.'

A Scottish Screen spokeswoman said: 'We are delighted somebody of Jobson's stature is coming back to Scotland.'

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