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by james macgregor | June 1st, 2001 | contact:

Wark Clements Mongram for a Dramatic Change

Wark Clements, the Scottish broadcast production company, has moved to become a permanent force in the drama market by acquiring London-based drama producer Monogram. The £2m deal was completed after securing additional cash backing from Direct Holidays founder John Boyle.

The take-over follows successful collaboration between the two groups. Their first joint-venture production, Love or Money, will be screened on BBC 1 shortly.

Under the terms of the deal, Monogram founder Eileen Quinn becomes a 20% shareholder in Wark Clements alongside entrepreneur Boyle, who is providing additional investment to fund a cash payout to Quinn. Boyle, who provided £1m expansion funding for Wark last year, is putting in more cash so his 20% stake is not diluted.

The latest expansion move by Wark Clements underlines its ambitions to become a force in all the major genres in UK and international markets. Alan Clements, co-founder of Wark Clements with his TV personality wife Kirsty Wark, said the Monogram deal gave the Scottish company control of a drama producer which was highly regarded by UK commissioning broadcasters. It also had international distribution agreements in place.

Monogram came "complete with rights to a small but perfectly-formed back catalogue" of productions which would provide additional income in future. Adding Monogram to the company’s three existing production divisions, covering factual, interactive and children’s programming, would see turnover double this year from £3m to £7m, according to Clements.

Clements said the directors expected to be able to deliver a lucrative exit for investors through a trade sale, flotation or partial disposal in future. However no major moves would be on the cards for a few years.

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