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by james macgregor | June 15th, 2001 | contact:

Daddy's Girl: Eve Frances

The Scottish film-maker who achieved Britain’s only success at Cannes this year with his low-budget short film Daddy’s Girl is now celebrating the birth of a daddy’s girl of his own. Edinburgh-based Irvine Allan and his actress partner, Annie George, have named their first child Eve Frances.

Eve Francis chose to arrive at 5.20am last Tuesday morning at the Simpson Maternity Hospital, Edinburgh, weighing 7lb 1oz. The imminent arrival of baby Eve had meant Allan did not attend the prestigious film festival as he did not want to miss the birth.

He said: "She is a darling. She is really beautiful. I suppose it is ironic that she’s a daddy’s girl but all the signs were there that the baby would be a girl.

"We were expecting it really. She was due when the Cannes festival was on and I didn’t want to miss the birth.

"With her birth imminent I couldn’t really justify going away. I already have a son of 14, Joshua, from a previous marriage, so a girl really is the icing on the cake."

Instead of celebrating winning the Jury prize for fiction for the best short film of the festival on the French Riviera, Allan toasted his success with a pint at Leith’s Robbie’s Bar.

In his film, Daddy’s Girl, the child is left biding her time until her father leaves the pub.

The 43-year-old and Indian-born Miss George, 36, his partner of eight years, have collaborated on a number of films including Daddy’s Girl, in which she has a cameo role.

Mr Allan’s victory is a major step for the director, who took up film-making only a few years ago after a variety of occupations — including a stint as a professional footballer with Aberdeen FC as a teenager.

He is still signing on the dole but is widely-tipped for greater film success.

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