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by james macgregor | June 29th , 2001 | contact:

Scottish Screen "Not Under Axe"

James Lee, chairman of Scottish Screen has categorically denied that the Scotland"s screen agency is under threat of abolition. The organisation has welcomed a review of the creative industries by the Scottish Executive that will include the work of the agency.

Scottish Screen is among 61 bodies that will be under further review in a list released by the Scottish Executive. According to Scottish Screen"s latest press release, the list makes it quite clear what the status of that review is. ÒFor some it is intended to be abolition.  Contrary to press reports that is not the case with Scottish Screen,Ó says the Scottish Screen press release.

In a letter Allan Wilson, Deputy Minister for Sport, the Arts and Culture, has sent to James Lee, Chair of Scottish Screen, he has said that the Scottish Executive does not propose any change in status for Scottish Screen.  "We propose a wider review of our support for the creative industries which will take account of the role of Scottish Screen.  Our motive for doing this is to ensure clarity of purpose in our overall strategy and structure of support for these industries in which the screen industries form a central part and which offer so much for our future economy."

James Lee now states categorically "There is no axe over our heads".

John Archer Chief Executive of Scottish Screen said " We welcome this review and the clarity it will bring to the good working relationship we already have with Scottish Enterprise Creative Industries Unit  and the Scottish Arts Council. I welcome the recognition that our Minister gives to the central role for the screen industries in the creative economy of Scotland."

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