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by james macgregor | July 6th, 2001 | contact:

Mars Brass Attacks Luss

The sleepy Loch Lomondside village of Luss, best known for its appearances in Scottish Television’s soap Take The High Road is about to be lit up with laser fire and other advanced weaponry, with chaos and devastation being created it comes under attack from the skies above.

Not a real scenario soap spotting tourists will be pleased to know, but a scene from a new pop music video to be filmed later this month. It is all part of 4 Minute Wonders, a joint initiative by Scottish Screen, Channel 4, Scottish Enterprise, Soma Records and the Glasgow Film Office to sow the seeds of a pop music production industry in Scotland.

Every month, music tracks from Glasgow’s Soma records are put on the website and aspiring producers are invited to put forward a storyboard for a video to accompany the track.

The battle for Luss was won by Simon Ellis, of Bub Ltd in Nottingham, who pitched his idea for a track by dance sensation Funk D’Void and was awarded £5,000 to bring his idea alive.

The director aims to use stunning panoramic footage of Luss as the setting for a space invasion, largely using digital special effects. All the windows in the normally sleepy village hall will explode, people are wounded and everyone is knocked to the ground, except for the twenty-stone butcher in his bloody apron.

In four weeks time the video, Brass Invaders, will be screened to a nationwide audience by Channel 4, by E4 and/or in cinemas across the UK and will immediately be screened on the 4 Minute Wonders web site.

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