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by james macgregor | July 6th, 2001 | contact:

Archer Bends Under Pressure

John Archer has resigned his post as chief executive of Scottish Screen after holding the position since Scottish Screen's birth five years ago.
Amid a thorough evaluation of the agency's policies and constant political in-fighting between Scottish Screen and the majority of the Scottish filmmaking community, Archer has conceded defeat for the good of the industry.
The then Enterprise Minister Henry McLeish welcomed the move, saying: "I hope that Scottish Screen will be working with public and private bodies in Scotland over the next few months to work up proposals for a Film Charter."
His position had become untenable to many critics, including The Scotsman newspaper, when a project by his wife's production company applied for and was granted lottery finance. He had passed on all responsibility concerning that decision to other members but it did prove embarrassing, particularly as the quango is one of 63 being scrutinised by politicians over its future.
Mr Archer says he will stay in his post until a successor is appointed and the process of finding a new chief executive has already begun.

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