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by james macgregor | July 6th, 2001 | contact:

Moonstone Deadline Looms

Deadline for the Edinburgh-based Moonstone International’s next Screenwriting and Filmmaking Lab will be the 13th of July this year.

Completed screenplays from across the European Union are invited for submission and successful applicants will be able to look forward to support and advice from the Moonstone team during the winter months.

The Screenwiters Labs will be held between the 3rd and the 9th of December and the Filmmakers Lab between the 30th of October and the 18th of November. Every year the labs attract new and exciting talents and provide participants with the advice of well established directors and screenwriters.

Previous advisers have included directors Stephen Frears (High Fidelity) and Antonia Bird (Face) and screenwriters Julian Mitchell (Wilde) and Academy Award winner Callie Khouri (Thelma & Louise) amongst others.

In the meantime Moonstone is enjoying the release of previous applicants’ work, namely Sara Sugarman’s Very Annie Mary released on the 8th of June and Hans Peter Molland’s Aberdeen, currently showing in Scandanavia and due for British release in the autumn.

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