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by james macgregor | July 6th, 2001 | contact:

Cafe Flicker Screenings in Glasgow

The enterprising folk at G-MAC, Glasgow Media Access Centre, continue to support the work of upcoming filmmakers by offering regular membership screening opportunities through Caf  Flicker, billed as øYour Cinema For Your FilmsÓ.

It is a very informal gathering and a good way of putting the fruits of film labour before an audience and getting it seen by more people øthan friends and the family dogÓ, as they say.

Caf  Flicker has seen the premieres of some well funded short films as well as state of the art pop promos, which have always sat comfortably next to no-budget student films or videos bound for artists± installations.

The important point is, anything goes. Nobody should ever feel too intimidated or embarrassed to show anything, the organisers say. At the very worst filmmakers receive some honest, constructive crtiticism, but usually its a heart-felt pat on the back. Many a collaborative partnership has been formed at the Flicker Caf , an ever-open doorway into the evergreen pastures of low budget film making.

Watch out for Archive Screening and Little Pictures every month.

Upcoming Cafe Flickers are on Wed 1st Aug. at 7:30pm

As usual, submissions can be made prior to each Cafe Flicker or on the night (for films of less than ten minutes). Films can be experimental, documentary drama, animation, work in progress, home video, digital media, etc. If you bring it, Flicker shows it! There is a recommended donation of £1. Bring your own refreshments.

More from Blair at G-MAC or Ian on 0141 341 0237

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