When Unspun,
the election diary of Amanda Platell sent Conservatives
in a spin over loyalty issues, it also marked
a turning point for Glasgow-based Ideal World
founded by Muriel Gray and Hamish Barbour. Best
known until now for TV features like Driven
and Location, Location, Location,
the company has now shown it can also deliver
current affairs programmes that can grab audience.
Recently Ideal moved
into feature film production, their debut being
the much acclaimed Late Night Shopping
with director Saul Metzstein and writer Jack
Lothian. Ideal will also work with the duo on
a Northern Soul dance feature set in Blackpool,
slated for a £3m budget for production next
year to be released in 2003.
Film Ambitions
To top off current
film ambitions Ideal is working on a Peter McDougall
script for a western-style feature set in a
borders town. In drama, they are working on
Lazarus for BBC Scotland, the Lazarus
of the title being a new detective created by
Peter Rankin, creator of the Rebus detective
All of this has seen
the company’s turnover rise by 25% from
£9m last year to £12m this year, making it Scotland’s
largest production house.