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by james macgregor | August 10th, 2001 | contact:

Cineworks 2002 Commissions Announced

Cineworks, the short film production scheme, has announced the successful commissions for 2002. The scheme is run by Glasgow Media Access Centre in partnership with the Film and Video Access Centre, Edinburgh and in association with Scottish Screen and BBC Scotland.

The successful projects are:

Leyla (drama) - Writer: Roxana Pope, Director: Ian Dodds, Producer: Skye Reynolds

Pork Chop (drama) - Writer: Ricky Callan, Director: Colin McLaren, Producer: Mel Norman

Och Aye Arriba (documentary) - Writer/ Director: Andrew Bonner, Producer: Rowan Aust

The Dummy (drama) - Writer/ Director: Heidi Bartlett, Producer: Becky Knapp

(drama) - Writer: Jon Court, Director: Simon Dennis, Producer: Stephen Anderson

The Witches (animation) - Writer: Morag McKinnon, Director: Lizzy Hobbs, Producer: Katja Dittrich

The Cineworks 2001 films will receive their world premiere at the 55th Edinburgh International Film Festival, screenings as follows…..

Saturday 18th August in Filmhouse 1 at 9.00am (Press/Industry)
Monday 20th August in Filmhouse 1 at 15.00 (Public)
Wednesday 22nd August in GFT 1 at 18.30 (Public)

A mixing of cultures, a meeting of minds, a simple kiss, a simple wish.
Writer/Director: René Mohandas
Producer: Abigail Howkins

A scientific pilgrimage to a Christian community in Switzerland to find the Testatika, a machine which produces free electricity from an unknown source.
Director: Sarah Tripp
Producer: Sarah Barr

An animation that turns the viewer into a
voyeur, offering brief but compelling glimpses of
peoples' private worlds beyond the window frame.
Director: Anwyn Beier
Producer Ken Anderson

A turning point in a young girl's life, a fragile moment of growing up.
Writer/Director: Becky Brazil
Producer: Becky Brazil

A witty and entertaining tale of small town characters and their uncontrollable compulsion to gossip.
Director: Adrian J. McDowall
Producers: Kara Johnston and Joern Utkilen

Cineworks is run at the Glasgow Media Access Centre, For further information check out or phone 0141 553 2620.

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