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by james macgregor | August 17th, 2001 | contact:

Tyneside Hubbubbers Branch Out in Film Society

A film society based at the Side Cinema called CINESIDE is getting under way. A screening of Wildstyle was organised there in May by two members of Hubbub, the Newcastle-based filmmakers group. The organisers would like the input of as many
people as possible.

The project is being supported by the Tyneside cinema and will operate as a small
independent arm showing old and marginal features as well as shorts and
animations and other gems the group can get hold of.

They would particularly like to show any films made locally which might not get
seen otherwise in the cinema and very low-budget stuff too.  Anyone with films on video or 16mm, email to get them shown.

A first season up to Christmas is currently being programmed and one week will be a free-week of free-features to launch the project and with a free festival starting on the 22nd of October. 

Coming up are a poetic romance set on a barge in France, a surreal film
noir from 40's USA, camera-obsessed horror in pre-Sixties London, a Parisian cowboy flick with eastern-warrior leanings, a reggae Butch Cassidy, a Czech cartoon of Lewis Carrol's creation and a Newcastle premiere of the American Dogme movie.

If you have any films you'd like to see, films you'd like to show, opinions
or comments, calling 0191 223 0405 or by mail to 24 the Chare, NE1 4DD.

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