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by james macgregor | August 17th, 2001 | contact:

Ayrshire Film Locus in Clear Focus

Latest addition to Scotland’s network of local film offices is Ayrshire Film Focus, an experimental initiative funded by Scottish Enterprise Ayrshire. Aiming to market the area as a desireable film location, Ayrshire Film Focus will provide a location service to film and media personnel planning to shoot there.

Nicola Blush, Film Officer at the Ayrshire venture is confident the area has a lot to offer, both in terms of locations and skills. She said at the launch of the new film office, "It’s our aim to put Ayrshire’s selling points to filmmakers and help in anyway we can to support them coming here.

"Ayrshire can benefit enormously from encouraging film production to the area and Film Focus is aiming to attract projects such as advertising campaigns as well as short films."

A short film, Divine, about an eight year old girl who wants to be a saint was shot in the area recently. The film’s writer, Angela Murray, said at the film office launch "Ayrshire Film Focus helped us find the best possible locations and facilities in the area. Using as many regional facilities as possible is cost-effective for the production."

Paisley University Media School and the Ayrshire and Arran Tourist Board add a training and tourism focus to the new venture, which is also supported by North, South and East Ayrshire Councils in a joint effort to maximise the economic potential of filming in Ayrshire.

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