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by james macgregor | August 31st, 2001 | contact:

Baby News Not So Blue For Owen

Owen Carey Jones, who’s first ever feature Baby Blues has been the subject of a Northern Lights interview on Netribution, is to appear on Yorkshire Television’s Calendar programme, talking about the film.

Baby Blues is based on a true story, exposing the problems created by puerperal psychosis; deep clinical depression that sometimes follows childbirth. The item will carry clips from the film and YTV will be interviewing female lead Nicky Talacko. She is now the lead in Channel 5’s daily soap, Family Affairs.

A clearly delighted Owen Carey Jones also informs me that Action on Puerperal Psychosis, an organisation based at Birmingham University Hospital, having seen the film and debated it within the Department of Psychiatry, have decided they want to launch a joint press and TV campaign to raise awareness of the illness using the film as the backbone of the
campaign. Excellent news there for a regular Netribution reader.

I have received a review copy of the film and the MacGregor verdict will appear in Netribution next week.

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