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by james macgregor | September 7th, 2001 | contact:

ONE NorthEast Invests in Film & Media

Northern Film Media (NFM) has raised an additional £450,000 from the regional development agency ONE NorthEast. ONE's finance comes after NFM has successfully raised £660,000 from the Film Council. One NorthEast support is seen as a huge vote of confidence in the new joined-up structure, with Northern Production Fund and the Northern Film Commission now joining forces as well as sharing an office, and more generally for the film and media industry in the region.

ONE finance will be focused on:
* increasing economic sustainability and artistic quality within film and media companies and sector
* increasing effective and imaginative use of digital technologies in production and exhibition
* building on the Northern region's unique geographical and cultural relationship to Europe
* maximising investment into the region from both public and private sector

There might yet be further good news still to come in future....European Region Development Funding (ERDF) is still unknown, with deadlines for an application expected later this year.

Film Council Lottery funding requires the formal creation of the Northern Film & Media office as an agency to become a Lottery delegate. The parties involved are working hardd to achieve this & expect the formation of the agency during the coming Autumn.

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