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by james macgregor | September 21st, 2001 | contact:

McGregor’s Girl

Scots actor Ewan McGregor will be celebrating the birth of another daughter when his wife gives birth to their second child next month.

The film star let slip that he and his French-born wife, Eve, already know the sex of their soon-to-born baby, while visiting Glasgow to promote his new movie, Moulin Rouge .

The new arrival will be a sister for the showbusiness couple’s 5-year-old daughter, Clara, who was recently pictured with her parents at the Highland Games in McGregor’s home town of Crieff, Perthshire.

A smiling McGregor told reporters: "It’s a girl, it’s a girl. Obviously I’m completely made up about it."

McGregor plans to take six months out of his schedule to spend time with his family following the birth.

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