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by james macgregor | October 19th, 2001 | contact:

Wark Clements Gain Scottish Double

Wark Clements, one of Scotland’s leading independent production companies, has just secured two major factual series commissions from BBC Scotland.

The two series will boost the £5.1m turnover of the company, which is headed by television presenter Kirsty Wark and her husband Alan Clements.

The first of the commissions will be an eight-part series on people whose lives have been transformed by extraordinary events and will be filmed entirely on location. The second project, entitled Great Scots, is a new series of history programmes which will concentrate on the life and times of some of Scotland’s greatest achievers. Both series are due to be aired early in 2002.

Clements said: "It is a very exciting time for us. These commissions will reward us substantially, not only in terms of finance but in terms of the amount of work they could subsequently generate."

Wark Clements has made steady progress since its launch in 1990. Originally built on strong factual programming, the company has since successfully moved into other genres. It recently merged with Monogram, a Scottish drama specialist, and now covers all areas of programming with the resultant business expected to push annual programme sales above £7m.

Direct Holidays entrepreneur John Boyle, who paid £1m for a stake in Wark Clements over a year ago, recently increased his investment, maintaining a 20% holding in the company.

Clements said: "Competition is as fierce as ever, companies either have to get bigger or retreat back to the bedroom. Hopefully we can grow and grow substantially."


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