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by james macgregor | November 2nd, 2001 | contact:

Scotland’s TV Output Under MPs’ Scrutiny

BBC Scotland and STV are to be investigated by MPs in an attempt to establish whether their programmes are too Scottish.

The news editors of all major television and radio stations north of the Border are to be asked why they give prominence to Holyrood events rather than world affairs.

The investigation has been called by Eric Joyce, MP for Falkirk West, who wants to establish whether any broadcasters are guilty of "introspective" scheduling.

Mr Joyce said yesterday that he would like to complete the argument raised by calls for the BBC to run a Scottish version of the six o’clock news.

"I was dubious about the need for a Scottish Six, but I felt I was not as informed about the issues as I could have been," he said.

"I would like to know whether Scots see themselves through Scottish spectacles or, as I suspect, through British spectacles."

Parochial News

He said the inquiry will focus on Newsnight Scotland. "Towards the end, it switches on to parochial news for Scottish viewers while the rest are given world events" he said. "I’d like to find out whether people really want that."

The inquiry will start in January by the Scottish affairs committee in Westminster and run until April. It will take evidence from all the major players in television and radio broadcasting in Scotland.

It will be chaired by Irene Adams MP. The inquiry cannot be carried out by the Scottish parliament because power over broadcasting is reserved.

The committee does not have the power to alter the output of television news, but Mr Joyce said the report will be "influential".

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