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by Natascia Radice | September 28th, 2001

The Score

Paramount Pictures presents a film directed by Frank OZ. Written by Kario Salem, Lem Dobbs and Scott Marshall Smith. Based on a story by Daniel E. Taylor and Salem. Running time: 124 minutes. Rated R (for language).
Cartificate 15.


The Score is certainly scoring and high mark for best casting mixture for uniting the legendary Brando, the ever changing De Niro, a young and always surprisingly interesting Norton and of course a touch of class from miss Bassett. The Story is not what we would exactly call "some kind of first": a skilful thief ready to retire(De Niro) to marry his beautiful girfriend(Bassett) and run a respectable business in his town. Unfortunately the big temptation is always there when you are ready to quit, and when it’s Brando to try to convince you, it’s hard to say no. One last act, and then that’s it! But the last one is always the hardest: compromise and work against two major rules: never steal in your town and work alone. This time the partership is with young Norton, ready to prove he’s worth it!

The performance is what keeps the story going, and what makes you waiting 124 minutes to check out who is going to take the long shot. No big surprises in the storyline as everything happens according to the expectations set at the beginning, but it’s fun to whatch De Niro and Norton moving the story along through their dialogues.

Frank OZ shines for nice shots, some really interesting, but Norton remains the main focus: he is very talented, and in every movie finds some new attributes for his characters, and doesn’t stop surprising.

De Niro is a steady asset and his performance is always precise, even when the improvised dialogue takes over.

This is definitely a must see, especially if you have had enough of the usual "all special effects no dialogue" that has been invading the screens after the Matrix.


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