| film by chris standley | december 1st 2000 | contact: shortshout@netribution.co.uk Gents by Chris Standley Black and White. 4 mins 30 secs. Fantom Films Gents was produced by Fantom Films three months ago and looks at the problem of 'stage fright' in a men's toilets. It was shot in arounf four hours down the local pub, with mates for actors and the odd evacuation while people went for a piss. It cost about £15 to make and was shot on Sony DV and edited on Media 100. It's currently in the BT Getoutthere charts, so anyone can download it and have a chuckle. Fantom's next film will be "Fear of Stairs", hopefully out in the spring. contact Chris Standley by email: c_standley@hotmail.com More info on: http://purple-pants.co.uk | | | |