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film by october 13th 2000russell wilks | | contact:


'Lock-In' (16mm, 6.45mins, Comedy/ Drama), which I directed and produced, is screening at the Raindance Film Festival, in the 'Short Shift' starting at 4.00PM Friday 13th October, Metro Cinema, London W1.
The film is also screening in other film festivals across Europe and The States, look out for it, it's excellent, despite the fact that it was made for a very low budget. This is my first film as a director, although I produced a few shorts before this.
I have written 5 Feature Film scripts, including extensive rewrites, Treatments for another 25 Feature films, 40 short film scripts, a slate of documentaries, spoof adverts, music video treatments etc. I am now putting together my next short film (from a script that I wrote) and a slate of other shorts. I will also be making a series of low-budget documentaries in the first half of next year and would like to hear from people who are interested in being involved in either the short films or the documentaries in any crewing capacity (Grips, DOPs, Camera Crew, Sound etc).
Any Dedicated Producers who would like to discuss working with me, get in touch. All positions are unpaid, but I always reimburse reasonable travel expenses, feed you, give ample copies of the film to everyone and make sure that you have wrapped up warm and changed your underwear.
On another note, filmmakers-if you need short film scripts for shooting purposes, contact me, as I can't make all the shorts that I have written myself, so would like to possibly place some of them with other emerging filmmakers (as long as you have made something already). I am based in London and I look forward to hearing from you.

Please support 'Lock-In' and the Raindance Film Festival.
Russell Wilks
Skyclad Films
0207 419 7021
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