April 2002 > New England Film and Video Festival April 1, 2002 - April 6, 2002 | USA more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/NewEnglFilmVideoFest.html > Mediterranean Festival of New Film-Makers April 1, 2002 - April 7, 2002 | Greece more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/MediterraneanFestofNewFilm.html > St Barth Film Festival April 2, 2002 - April 7, 2002 | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/StBarthFF.html > Paris International Film Festival April 2, 2002 - April 9, 2002 | France more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/ParisIntFF.html > London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival April 3, 2002 - April 17, 2002 | UK more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/LondonLesbianGayFF.html > DoubleTake Documentary Film Festival April 4, 2002 - April 7, 2002 | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/DoubleTakeDocFF.html > International Grenzland-Filmtage April 4, 2002 - April 7, 2002 | Germany more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/IntGrenzl-Filmtage.html > Cinenygma Luxembourg International Film Festival April 4, 2002 - April 13, 2002 | Luxembourg more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/CinenygmaLuxembourgIntFF.html > Out of Sight Film and Television Archive Festival April 4, 2002 - April 14, 2002 | UK more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/OutofSightFilmTVArchF.html > Philadelphia Festival of World Cinema April 4, 2002 - April 15, 2002 | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/PhiladelphiaFFWorldCinema.html > Festival Confrontation April 5, 2002 - April 12, 2002 | France more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/FestConfrontation.html > Cote Court - Festival International du Film Court April 5, 2002 - April 14, 2002 | France more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/CoteCourt-FestduFilmCourt.html > Worldfest Houston April 5, 2002 - April 14, 2002 | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/WorldfestHouston.html > Chicago Latino Film Festival April 5, 2002 - April 17, 2002 | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/ChicagoLatinoFF.html > Minneapolis/St Paul International Film Festival April 5, 2002 - April 20, 2002 | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/MinneapolisStPaulIntFF.html > Festival De L'Oiseai et de la Nature - Baie de Somme April 6, 2002 - April 14, 2002 | France more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/FestDeLOiseaietdelaNature.html > Aspen Shortfest April 9, 2002 - April 13, 2002 | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/AspenShortfest.html > One World - Jeden Svet Film Festival April 10, 2002 - April 18, 2002 | Czech Republic more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/OneWorld-JedenSvetFF.html > Cognac International Thriller Festival April 11, 2002 - April 14, 2002 | France more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/CognacIntThrillerFest.html > Taos Talking Picutre Festival April 11, 2002 - April 14, 2002 | USA more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/TaosTalkingPicutreFest.html > Antarctic Film Festival April 11, 2002 - April 21, 2002 | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/AntarcticFF.html > Arizona International Film Festival April 11, 2002 - April 21, 2002 | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/ArizonaIntFF.html > It's All True - International Documentary Film Festival April 11, 2002 - April 21, 2002 | Brazil more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/ItsAllTrue-IntDocFF.html > Israel Film Festival April 11, 2002 - April 25, 2002 | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/IsraelFF.html > Singapore International Film Festival April 11, 2002 - April 27, 2002 | Singapore more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/SingaporeIntFF.html > Locations Global Expo April 12, 2002 - April 14, 2002 | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/LocationsGlobalExpo.html > Bermuda International Film Festival April 12, 2002 - April 18, 2002 | Bermuda more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/BermudaIntFF.html > Method Fest April 12, 2002 - April 19, 2002 | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/MethodFest.html > Afrika Film Festival April 12, 2002 - May 11, 2002 | Belgium more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/AfrikaFF.html > European Cinema Film Festival April 13, 2002 - April 20, 2002 | Italy more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/EuropeanCinemaFF.html > International Istanbul Film Festival April 13, 2002 - April 28, 2002 | Turkey more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/IntIstanbulFF.html > Mip-TV April 15, 2002 - April 19, 2002 | UK more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/Mip-TV.html > Avignon/New York Film Festival April 15, 2002 - April 21, 2002 | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/AvignonNewYorkFF.html > Murviter Short Film Festival April 15, 2002 - April 21, 2002 | Spain more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/MurviterShortFF.html > Silver Images Film Festival April 15, 2002 - May 12, 2002 | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/SilverImagesFF.html > Filmfest Dresden - International Festival for Short Films April 16, 2002 - April 21, 2002 | Germany more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/FilmfestDresden-Shorts.html > Bare Bones International Film Festival April 17, 2002 - April 21, 2002 | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/BareBonesIntFF.html > Nippon Connection Japanese Film Festival April 17, 2002 - April 21, 2002 | Germany more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/NipponConnectionJapaneseFF.html > Washington DC International Film Festival (filmfest DC) April 17, 2002 - April 28, 2002 | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/WashingtonDCIntFF.html > Cartoons on the Bay: International Festival of TV animation April 18, 2002 - April 22, 2002 | Italy more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/CartoonsontheBayInt.html > Buenos Aires Independent Film Festival April 18, 2002 - April 28, 2002 | Argentina more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/BuenosAiresIndieFF.html > Far East Film Festival April 19, 2002 - April 27, 2002 | Italy more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/FarEastFF.html > Vue D'Afrique: Les Journees Du Cinema Africain et Creole April 19, 2002 - April 27, 2002 | Canada more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/VueDAfriqueLesJourneesCine.html > Schermi D'Amore - Sentimental and melo film festival April 19, 2002 - April 28, 2002 | Italy more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/SchermiDAmore-Sentimelo.html > Toronto Jewish Film Festival April 20, 2002 - April 29, 2002 | Canada more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/TorontoJewishFF.html > Finale Plzen National Festival of Czech Films April 22, 2002 - April 28, 2002 | Czech Republic more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/FinalePlzenFestCzechFilms.html > Visions du Reel - International Documentary Film Festival April 22, 2002 - April 28, 2002 | Switzerland more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/VisionsduReel-IntDocFF.html > Rose D'Or - Golden Rose Montreux April 23, 2002 - April 28, 2002 | Switzerland more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/RoseDOr-GoldenRoseMontreux.html > European Media Art Festival April 24, 2002 - April 28, 2002 | Germany more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/EuropeanMediaArtFest.html > Shadow Line Film Festival April 24, 2002 - April 28, 2002 | Italy more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/ShadowLineFF.html > Roger Ebert's Overlooked Film Festival April 24, 2002 - April 29, 2002 | USA more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/RogerEbertsOverlookedFF.html > Turin International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival April 24, 2002 - May 1, 2002 | Italy more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/TurinIntGayLesbianFF.html > Brussels International Film Festival April 24, 2002 - May 4, 2002 | Belgium more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/BrusselsIntFF.html > Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival April 24, 2002 - May 5, 2002 | Canada more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/HotDogsCanadianIntDocFest.html > Animated Encounters Film Festival April 25, 2002 - April 28, 2002 | UK more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/AnimatedEncountersFF.html > USA Film Festival April 25, 2002 - May 2, 2002 | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/USAFF.html > Mediawave International Festival of Visual Arts April 26, 2002 - May 4, 2002 | Hungary more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/MediawaveFestofVisualArts.html > Munich International Documentary Film Festival April 27, 2002 - May 4, 2002 | Germany more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/MunichIntDocFF.html > Kristiansand International Children's Film Festival April 30, 2002 - May 6, 2002 | Norway more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/KristiansIntKidssFF.html > Arizona State University Art Museum Short Film and Video Festival April 2002 tbc | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/ArizonaStateUniArtMuseumFF.html > Black Writers' Conference and Southern Film Festival April 2002 tbc | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/BlackWritersConfSouthernFF.html > Cine Latino April 2002 tbc | Germany more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/CineLatino.html > DOCFEST: New York International Documentary Festival April 2002 tbc | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/DOCFESTNewYorkIntDocFest.html > International Festival of Film and Media on Art April 2002 tbc | Greece more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/IntFestofFilmMediaonArt.html > Oslo Animation Festival April 2002 tbc | Norway more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/OsloAnimationFest.html > Palm Beach International Film Festival April 2002 tbc | US more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/PalmBeachIntFF.html > Queensland New Filmmakers Award April 2002 tbc | Australia more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/QueenslNewFilmmakersAward.html > Sprockets - Toronto International Film Festival for Children April 2002 tbc | Canada more info http://www.netribution.co.uk/festivals/Sprockets-TorontoFFforKids.html |