39 articles
NORSE FILM DIALOGUE: Impressions from Haugesund
Tom Swanston Reports from the NORDIC CO-PRODUCTION FORUM
Haugesund, Norway 21-23 August 2006
This year the beautiful coastal town of Haugesund, Norway was host to the first ever Nordic Co-Production Forum, held from 21st to 23rd August. The town is situated on a long sea inlet in the South West of the country, a 45-minute flight from Oslo.
Raindance's 21 Minute Film School
21 Minute Film School
Have you ever had a desire to make a movie? If so, set 21 minutes of your hectic life aside and read on!
THE FLYING SCOTSMAN - A Bumpy Ride to the Big Screen
Writer Simon Rose on Getting His Story to the Big Screen
I can't be the only writer who, after sitting through umpteen appalling movies, has thought, "Surely I can do better." By 1994, I was itching to write a screenplay, but a subject eluded me. Then I heard about Graeme Obree. This down-at-heel Scot built a revolutionary bicycle from scrap and washing- machi…
Thoughts on Being a Filmmaker’s Actor
I've worked as an actor on a number of film sets and with a wide range of directors and filmmakers. It's an exciting place to be and when you hit the scene right, there's no better feeling in the world; despite shooting out of chronological order and out of emotional continuity. Each day, each scene, each take, brings its own challenges for the actor - and when you're tackling…
Set-Jet The UK
Uncover Favourite UK Film and TV Locations
When I lived in Oxford a decade or three ago, it would have amazed me to imagine that my modest street in the working-class neighbourhood of Jericho would one day witness scores of escorted tour parties earnestly retracing the murder investigations of Inspector Morse. But at last this sign of the times has gained a name. Set-jetting is d…
Production Diaries of The Golden Age
It's 3 AM in central London - dark and quiet except for the odd car and the hum of generators huddled round the outside of Westminster Cathedral. But here, inside, light is flooding in through the windows as though it was midday. And in the minds of the 150 or so people here it is midday and this isn't London, it's the Escorial Palace in Spain in the year 1588. King Philip…
JON WILLIAMS: Driving a Bad Lad to Market
Jon Williams and his creative team spent in excess of two years crafting their underground comedy Diary of a Bad Lad and a further year taking it through post, producing a film that many film luminaries have acknowledged to be fresh, original and different.
After getting endorsement for their product from people like Chris Bernard, Alex Cox and Nik Powell, you would think th…
Machinima Explained: from concept to finished scene in Bloodspell
don't exist, tell your friends" spouted the t-shirt of Hugh Hancock
when I first met him at a Dundee hotel loby for a Scottish Screen new
talent event. Hugh, for those who haven't read James' Wideshot interview
with him, is one of the pioneers of the Machinima movement and through
his Strange Company (whose t-shirt he was sporting) has made 16
Machinima films…
WYSIWYG Filmmaker's Toolkit
How Do I Sell My Film Part One - DEMOGRAPHICS
Netribution and film distributors WYSIWYG have joined forces to present on-line WYSIWYG's essential Guide to Film Distribution.
We're both interested in building a strong industry for independent filmmakers. This means creating films that people want to see and buy. It does not mean sacrificing creative integrity, but it means business. To do the b…
WYSIWYG Filmmaker's Toolkit - Part 2
How Do I Sell My Film Part 2 - Delivery Format
Netribution and film distributors WYSIWYG have joined forces to present on-line WYSIWYG's Filmmaker's Toolkit....
Okay. So you now know who will watch your film. Well, that means you can also estimate how many people you have as potential audience. That gives you an idea of how much money you can spend. It also tells yo…
Call To Fund Independent Producers
"Most of the independent films that we have seen or heard about suffered from one problem: finance. Some have come and gone because the young independent producers have failed, and are still failing to source the big budget required for production."
Sound familiar to you? It certainly will if you are a filmmaker in Bulawayo. It looked strangely familiar when it caugh…