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Trailer Trash Xmas Mash-up

star-lords2006 was certainly a year of trailer mashups. To quote the Misshaken Pictures' Mashifesto:

"As our collective history burrows deeper into the digital coalface we begin to see it recombined, re-imagined, re-invented and e-rased. Heirachies of media code are becoming silly putty in the hands of the majority and the global mirror increases at an unprecedented rate, a miasma of Ideas, desires and models in humming iridescent hues."

Quite. Anyway, if Christmas telly and cold turkey is getting tiring, and you haven't yet seen them, here's a few favourites..


Pulp Xmas

Any of you dancing elves move and I'll gift wrap every mother-Clausing last one of you


Must Love Jaws

Mike Dow & Ari Eisner, creators of the high school epic 10 Things I Hate About Commandments first came to fame with the a biting love story.


Scary Mary

Supercaliexorcistical by Chris Rule



Meet Jack. By Rob Ryang and winner of the Association of Independent Creative Editors trailerpark contest. Apparently after it appearing he received a call “from the Vice Prez of Production from Warner Bros. asking him what else he does.”

Brokeback to the Future

A love that could never be. From Chocolate Cake City


Scott Rankin takes Tom Cruise to Bollywood. 

Toy Story 2: Requiem 

If Aranofsky worked for Pixar by


Hamlet Is Back

Arnie doesn't like to procrastinate. From AMSD

Last, and by no means least, Star Lords

Peace shall come.. this time will pass.. From Missshapen Pictures. 


by nic

Published 23 December 2006