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33 articles

One Life Stand

"I'd like to finish with a word of warning. You may have started something. The British are coming." If that statement, made by Colin Welland during his 1981 Oscar acceptance speech for Chariots Of Fire, is true then the British have been taking their bloody time. More than 25 years on, it's only now that British cinema seems to be at the beginnings of resurgence that could pu…

Feast of Film From Final Cut Two

  Final Cut's latest offering on DVD is another fine garnering of some of the best shorts going, filmed, animated or even snapped with a stills camera and given a frantic screen life, as with Jo Barnes' Midst of Paradise. Don't be put off by the grotesque image from Cleanse that adorns the front cover. Just wait until you see the full story! Ouch! A deep facial will neve…

Paradise Now

Rather than being "a bold new call for peace," the first Palestinian film to be Oscar-nominated is an emotional look at what could possibly drive someone to become a suicide bomber. Paradise Now, like United 93, is a film that relies upon the audience's prior knowledge of world events for context. This device means that both films escape charges of didacticism, preferring…

The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill (2003) Cert: U

If Grizzly Man was too scary, but you still haven't had your Dr.Doolittle fix, this documentary might be the one for you.

The Best of Straight 8 2005

It’s ironic that, in an age when film moves forwards in leaps and bounds in terms of technology and innovation, it takes an almost obsolete format to encourage some of the of the most original, inventive and enjoyable filmmakers around. The idea of Straight 8 is deceptively simple: filmmakers get an 8mm cartridge of film sent to them and then have to make a three minute film shooting i…