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Live AV

4 articles

Mapping Christmas

So much to write about, so little time! Part of the reason I'm not reviewing the year's moves in indie finance, rights, piracy or environmentally sustainable filmmaking is the time taken up with a new research project we've been working on exploring changes with cinema in the real flesh and blood world. More on this soon, hopefully, but meantime here is a seasonally appropriate example of one p…

lookandlisten return from summer break with Grafiti themed event

Leeds' (and the north of England's) premier AV pioneers looknlisten are heading Back to Cool (sorry) with a grafiti styled event for early September.  First up is a return to their residency at the reform bar on 2nd september, featuring a massive range of graffiti influenced visuals, inspired by the recent rumba caracas graffiti jam. The night kicks off with a selection of classic…

Lookandlisten AV Party - This Time It's War - March 3rd

 it's nearly the end of the month, which means it's nearly the first sunday of next month, and time for another lookandlisten, the leeds live av night   this time out its war, with an evening of themed muzak and visuals loosely themed around war, or more likely how it’s a bit of a wrong do including's john lennon george bush mashioke Imagine This (cork…

lookandlisten at Leeds with Jeff Mills, Buster Keaton and Sylvain Chomet

Legendary techno DJ Jeff Mills 2005 accompaniment of Buster Keaton's classic The Three Ages is one of the highlights offered by Leeds AV Group lookandlisten during the Leeds Film Festival. Other events include their residency at the Reform bar,  Sundaze Synerma's live remix of Sylvain Chomet's Belleville Rendezvous and Fire Shepherds, the fan-generated album of music videos f…