Gnarls Barkley Loons Large As Crazy is 1st UK No1 from iTunes Alone
“You are the best. You are the worst. You are average. Your love is a
part of you. You try to give it away because you cannot bear its
radiance, but you cannot separate it from yourself. To understand your
fellow humans, you must understand why you give them your love. You
must realize that hate is but a crime-ridden subdivision of love. You
must reclaim what you never lost. You must take leave of your sanity,
and yet be fully responsible for your actions.”
Gnarls Barkley, in a
letter to the rock critic Lester Bangs
Gnarls Barkley have become the first artist to make it No. 1 in the charts without a single record hitting the shops. Changes to the rules governing the way the British charts are compiled has allowed the week of web-only presales of Crazy to count towards the final chart position, and securing a number one slot. The most exciting thing to happen to music for quite a while, Gnarls Barkley is the exogetic combination of Gorillaz producer Dangermouse and soul singer Cee Lo who reportedly recorded the song in one take.
I will always remember the first time I heard Crazy.
My friend and unofficial street guru Dave the Brave Hangover called me over to his computer where he was putting on a song he guaranteed would set me on fire.
The man had introduced me to Lemon Jelly, DJ Andy Smith and Razorlight and I'd returned the favour with Doris and the Handsome Boy Modeling School. We had listened to Orbital In Sides and DJ Shadow's Endtroducing for the first time together. So these were powerful words, and as the grinding four on the floor of the opening bars started I smiled politely. In fact, I shudder to admit this now, but for at least the first minute I was quietly unimpressed, at least in the context of such an impressive introduction. By the end of the song, of course, I got it and a wide grin carved itself across my face and proceeded to engrave itself there on each of the half dozen times the song was played again that night.
A few days in London presenting eight new netribution books to our sales reps and back home I'd forgotten about the song, save the occasional moments when the tune would burp from my subconscious like a forgotten smile. A text message to Dave on the way back from Morrisons - what was the name of that song.. resulted in the answer - Gnarls Barkley Crazy.
a scour of iTunes and no joy. Google next, and nowhere to buy the single. The Gnarls Barkley website is only taking registrations for a mailing list. I eventually find a release date for the single - the middle of April. Well armed with the principles of suply and demand - and the fact that I have every intention of buying the single and album when released, - I head to acquisition, and five minutes later a copy of the song is on my hard drive, alongside a rather fine Discount Rhinos remix.
As a man prone to the occasional exageration, I kid you not when I say that the song received 23 plays within the first two hours. Each time I listened to the song again I was elevated to a slightly higher and happier place than the time before. This is the answer to Beyonce's Crazy in Love pop has been waiting for. This is the return of R&B to its true roots as great soul food. This is crack cocaine in sound waves.
only I had followed my heart and written a review on netribution then,
I could have been feeling rather smug now. but it was only when, weeks
later I suddenly saw it was in no.1 position on itunes that I realised
that Danger Mouse (who produced the Gorillaz album) & Cee-Lo's
creation had exploded into the public consciousness like no song in
living memory. Reading the comments on MySpace (another example of how
- like being the first UK (or should that be GB?) no.1 on downloads
alone - Gnarls is making the most of the web) gives more than a
whiff of beatlesmania around this artist. Last night I checked my
mobile phone and the title screen to the web page was dedicated to
offering me Crazy as a download. For the first time in a very long time
something brilliant had entered the mainstream and been completely
And this is an artist who has made no public performances, and who until today, had released not so much as a single. I could gush invertebrae with hyperbole about the song, the lyrics, the website, the artwork, the concept, the revolution in waiting - because without 'illegal' downloads they would be nothing. Or I could invite you to buy the song and listen for yourself. Or even just visit or where you can listen for free.
And if you want to see gnarls barkley there's a few tickets for London and Leeds in June where they will be supporting (or should that be 'supported by'?) Massive Attack, DJ Shadow and Terry Callier - wireless festival (without glasgonbury this year these tickets will go fast).
And if you can get your hands on a copy of Smiley Faces you can rest assured the great GB is no one hit wonder.
The lyrics that kept Morissey off the top spot..
I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that place
Even your emotions had an echo and so much space
And when you're out there without care
Yeah I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much
Does that make me Crazy
Does that make me Crazy
Does that make me Crazy
And I hope that you are having the time of your life
But think twice, that's my only advice
Come on now
who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you
think you are, ha ha ha bless your soul
you really think you're in control
I think you're Crazy
I think you're Crazy
I think you're Crazy
Just like me
My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on the limb
All I remember is thinking I want to be like them.
Ever since I was little, ever since I was little
It looked like fun
And it's no coincidence I've come
And I can die when I'm done
But Maybe I'm Crazy
Maybe you're Crazy
Maybe we're Crazy
Some of the MySpace comments
You need to release your album with an appropriately sized hole. So
that I can have sex with it. It's so fucking awesome. Posted by Jeff
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Your music gets me so pumped that i just jump-kicked my mom in the face. thank you, gnarls barkley. - posted by Steven Doom
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I'm so jealous of anyone who hasn't listened to this song yet... They
better have a towel in hand when they enter the realm... my panties
have been wet for the last 4 days straight. - posted by McFunky
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I finally figured it out...I have Asperger's Syndrome...I'm
autistic....I knew it had to be something because until 5th grade I was
in "retarded" special ed. But later I turned out to be in all the
gifted and AP classes. I just got in UCLA and UCSD and my SAT's
were 2220 out of 2400. Wondering what this has to do with you? I
just listened to your song "Crazy". It really touched me because that
really described me for most of my life. Autism isn't "crazy" either
though.... it's more of "different"..... but most people saw me as
retarded or crazy... but I "knew too much" which is why they didn't
understand most of me...Thanks for making that song..... and God bless!
posted by Keem-Jin-Gul is CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Dear Gnarls Barkley,
You need to remove the addictive chemical in the track "Crazy". Not
only is it not fair to other artists, but it has now been playing on
loop in my brain for 5 days. There is not enough GB currently in this
world to satisfy my craving, so either move into my new apartment, or
exchange the song chemical with some sort of "Men-in-Black-esque"
memory eraser. These are your only options.
Thank you. - Posted by Danny
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Infectious! I caught myself singing crazy outloud in the grocery store
the other day. Please release ASAP so the good people at trader joe's
can hear the real version. and come to Michigan... Posted by Mia
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damn, this is some good music. i like having sex to "go go gadget
gospel", good high energy fuckin music. Posted by Don Bon Jovie
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If Gnarls Barkley does exist, and happens to truly be of the male
gender, then I want to have Gnarls Barkley's babies. If he doesn't
exist, I dont care. I'll breed for you instead. Posted by JoJo
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Your candy is so scrumptious, soon I'll be a lump you can't miss. Posted by JD
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Love the tunes which, also make me smile. And my foot tap. Which hurts,
because I have a blister due to silly footwear. *sigh* - Posted by Ann
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this music makes pimping easy - Posted by Where's My House?
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and god said unto Gnarls "Gnarls make me an album so that I might jam."
and Gnarls said unto god "My lord heres a little taste..enjoy" -
Posted by dont go away mad girl just go away
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i had rice cakes for dinner. does that make me crazy? probably. Posted by Joshua
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if you were never born it would be necesary to invent you. Posted by James
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Gives me hope for the future of music. Posted by Sanity is not Statistical
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What is this fantastic sound that is making my body move like this!?, i
mean im typing but my booty aint on the chair and my feet aint on the
ground! Look at that!! my neighbour is hanging her washing out and she
got the swing on too - Posted by Maria Yuriko
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I am crapping my pants in anticipation...........seriously. Posted by Mitch