Friday 10 December 2010
14:00 - 17:30
Venue: Hunter Lecture Theatre (O17) - eca - 74 Lauriston Place - EH3 9DF
Don't miss our final masterclass in 2010 including the Scottish premiere of the award winning October Country by Mike Palmieri & Donal Mosher.
We are delighted to welcome Mike and Donal to winterly Edinburgh. We saw this film at Sheffield last year and it blew us away!
Every family has its ghosts. The Mosher family has more than most. Shot over a year from one Halloween to the next, the film creates a stunning cinematic portrait of a family who are unique but also sadly representative of the struggles of America's working class.
A unique opportunity to hear in depth about the making of the film via a collaborative approach between the co-directors.
We're screening the film in Dumfries (RBT) on the 9th (6pm), Edinburgh (ECA) on 10th (2pm) - followed by a masterclass & in Glasgow (GFT) on the 11th (6pm) - followed by a Q&A.
To RSVP for our ECA masterclass/screening email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tickets for Dumfries & Glasgow from the venues: Robert Burns Theatre & Glasgow Film Theatre
And for more info on the film: