Young people
10 articles
The Co-Op increases funding for British Youth Film Academy
from the Cooperative Group
A professional youth film company that has worked with over 10,000 young people in the past year has received a massive boost with The Co-operative Group announcing its continued support and funding until at least 2014.
Forming an integral part of its commitment to Inspiring Young People, The Co-operative’s £1.2 million, six year, partnership with The Co-operative B…
Co-op puts £500k in Youth Film Academy to make features with 14-25 year-olds
from the Co-Operative's Andrew Torr
A professional youth film company is searching for young movie-making talent for its latest full-length feature-films to be made in four UK regions during this year’s summer holidays. The Co-operative British Youth Film Academy (BYFA) is holding auditions for the cast and crew of its latest films, offering young people the chance to experience…
Young Film Academy, Bringing the UK Film Industry to Britain’s schools.
From Michael Gandy @ Young Film Academy
Young Film Academy (YFA) is not your usual filmmaking teaching provider. YFA founders James Walker and Ed Boase are teaching young filmmakers and making waves in the professional film world too, with their award-winning film production company, Magma Pictures - sister company to Young Film Academy.
The Young Film Academy (YFA) is the UK’s leading educa…
Arts Beyond the Classroom brings parents and children together to explore art and blog about it
It's easy to talk about the digital revolution and the benefits of giving everyone a free and open platform for self-expression if the only people who use the best of the webs tools are contained to one social or economic group. I've previously trained people how to publish online and use CMSs, but I'd never had to teach people to write a blog who had not only never blogged before, but possibly n…
Calling all budding actors and actresses: Star in a new film from the creators of Skins!
The makers of Skins need you! It's your chance to work with Company Pictures and the team of bright young things who were recruited on the Skins website at the end of last year (if you're a Skins regular, you might remember the big shout out we made for talented writers, directors and designers – well, this is them!). The team will be creating a brand new short film in April to be shown exclusiv…
Skins – new ways to get involved..
From Emma Carter:
"The good folk at e4 are giving you lucky people more chances than ever to get involved in Skins. Series 3 will be with us soon, and this time round they need your creative juices flowing early! They’re after your acting skills, your music, your directing, your writing and much much more. Details of how to become an extra in Series 3, and to have yo…
Young Writers and Filmmakers Given the Chance to Showcase Talent to Key Players in Film Industry
Connected, the charity that provides a helpline for young people, are
launching Nobody's Perfect, a new website for young writers, actors and
directors to showcase their talents to professional writers, producers
and directors. Young people between 16 and 25 can submit film, scripts
and music to win the chance to produce six short films that address
issues like self-harm, sexua…
Get Connected and Silence Launch 'Nobody's Perfect' web film contest
From Silence:
Connected, the charity that provides a helpline for young people, and
digital advertising agency Silence are launching a website, Nobody's
Perfect, for young filmmakers and actors to showcase their talents to
professional movie directors and producers. They can submit film, music
and scripts to win the chance of helping to produce 6 short films that
Digital Debuts Calls Filmmaking Talent to Cinema Showcase
An exciting new project in its second year is calling all young talented film makers to submit their short films to the 2nd Digital Debut showcase at the Phoenix Cinema in London on the 21st September 2007.
Catch the Moon Productions which organises Digital Debut is keen to give film makers an opportunity to show films, up to 15 minutes long, on the wide screen at one of the lead…