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Filmaka offers new sponsored tech themed contest

Details of a new sponsored film contest submitted by Filmaka:

Know your technology? Know someone who has their home hooked up in a unique way?

Well, Filmaka has teamed up with Cisco for a competition with more prize money and wider distribution (over 200 websites) than ever before. We want to find out how you/your mate/colleague has integrated technology into their life.

We’re asking for two clips of 3 minutes each - the first should be about the person, the second about their hardware and software. 20 people will win cash prizes - 10 Brand Winners x U$7,500 and 10 Voter’s Choice x U$5000.

Get cracking as the deadline is Oct 13th midnight PST (HDV preferred, 16:9 aspect ratio, any language but English subtitles please). For more info visit

by Lauren Cox