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UK Court Rules Against Hendrix Film


Rock guitar legend Jimi HendrixAn English court has ruled that DragonSlayer Films must get clearance from Experience Hendrix to obtain rights for any Hendrix film it wishes to make. The court has apparently found in favour of the late musician's family, apparently shutting down prospects for a Jimi Hendrix biographical film.


The court has ruled that the production company, DragonSlayer Films, has no right to either Jimi Hendrix's likeness nor his music, and if they still want to do the film, they have to deal with Experience Hendrix for the rights.

John Hillman of the production team claimed to have secured the rights earlier this spring and announced production would begin soon on a Hendrix movie with Quentin Tarantino helming, a claim that was quickly denied by Tarantino himself.

After the court decision, Janie Hendrix, President and CEO of Experience Hendrix, put would-be Hendrix profiteers on notice. "We will certainly rely on this judgment in protecting our rights against any other parties who make unauthorized use of Hendrix songs and recordings."