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50 articles

High Def Leopard is Snow Reward

Four years in the making, Planet Earth is the first natural history series to be filmed completely in high definition.A group of experienced wildlife cameramen have spent the past fours years in a variety of remote locations capturing images never been seen before on camera.

Consumers Confused Over Internet Protocol TV

A survey of consumers across the United States and Europe has found almost half of them do not understand the term IPTV, which implies that more than half of them claimed they do, although in truth, it's feared many of them probably do not.

Lights! Camera! Mobile?

A feature-length film made using mobile phones. Sound improbable? Not in South Africa, where a feature has just been made using eight cellphones and USD160,000, and a good idea that might just be the future of film-making.

Cyprus Claims First Internet TV Service

Cyprus claims to be the first country in the world to have its own television channel on the internet, launched at a fraction of the cost of a conventional terrestrial or satellite  

Double Decaff and a Digital Film Course Please

Coffee drinkers in Cumbria with filmmaking interests can now satisfy both their passions in one cosy cafe.