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17th Raindance Film Festival Box Office Open

From Raindance's Joe Pearshouse

The Box Office of the 17th Raindance Film Festival (30 September - 11 October 2009) opened on 15 September and some screenings are already sold out.

New this year: Raindance opens the Raindance Film Cafe on 2nd Oct for seminars/masterclasses/networking and live music events. Raindance's famous pitching event LIVE!AMMUNITION! as well as 'Plug and Play' - chances for you to screen your own work will also be held at the Cafe.

Highlights of this year's screenings include COLIN, the 45-pound micro-budget Zomebie feature and Steven Soderbergh (Ocean's Eleven, Che, Sex, Lies and Videotape) 's highly anticipated new feature 'The Girlfriend Experience'.

Address: Vinyl Factory, Entrance at Phonica, 51 Poland Street, W1F 7LZ

True to the traditions of Raindance Film Festival, this year's programme continues to feature music picc/documentaries under the Raindance Symphony Orchestra strand and Japanese new cinema under the Way Out East strand.

Visit the festival homepage

and the box office site right now.