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Guy Ritchie Hosts Youth Film Festival


Film director Guy Ritchie known for Lock, Stock and Two Barrels Film director Guy Ritchie has hosted the first Film for Youth Festival in Belfast.

The initiative was established in 2005 and aims to encourage and support young film makers in the United Kingdom. It enables budding young film makers to develop their talents and skills under the guidance of industry professionals.


Ritchie, who led a film masterclass at Belfast's Waterfront Hall, said the festival gave young people a "chance to get their voices heard and work seen".  He hosted the class on Sunday and said he had been looking forward to visiting Belfast, meeting some of the young film-makers and celebrating their success at the premiere screening.


Young people from all over the UK have already participated in Film for Youth events including work shops, master classes and special screening events. They were encouraged to get involved by making their own short films and submitting them to Film for Youth and as a result, hundreds films were submitted from schools, youth groups and individuals.


Full report published on BBC website